A Psychotherapist's Dirty Little Secret
Mashing up psychotherapy with gardening, playfully & intelligently.
With her affection for gardens and her day-job, The Tipsy Tomato creates perky mashups, webinars, and FB posts for you and others remotely curious : ) Because, in the garden of life, what we long for most is not found on the back of a seed packet.
Garden Party Webinars
By the end of each webinar, you’ll feel like someone flung open shuddered windows, inviting cool refreshing air into a room that so many others would rather keep shut.
The MashUPS
The Tipsy Tomato puts psychotherapy playfully & intelligently into short, perky garden essays.
The Tipsy Tomato is the "secret" life of Terry Ann Klee, a psychotherapist educated at Columbia University, who finds life best in gardens.
tumbles, the gardencat
Tumbles is the indoor kitty who loves his outdoor (a' la fenced-in) veggie patch. Shhh, Instagram is all him. Why not?